
  1. Friday Favourites 13th April #DELTAfilm

    DELTA Professional films What a fantastic week for black and white film images. Thank you for sharing all of your shots on #Deltafilm with us. DELTA PROFESSIONAL films use the latest Core-Shell™ film emulsion technology which give them the advantage of a lower grain to speed ratio. This means that you get less grain at […]
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  2. Project Xpan

    The first time around... I enjoy photography especially black and white.. I've taken a wide variety of subjects and images over the years including sport, travel, documentary and landscape. I learnt with 35mm film cameras before moving to 645 medium format and then digital. For B&W I learnt to develop and print whilst at school […]
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  3. Friday Favourites 30th March #stilllife

    We thought we knew what images we'd get this week with our theme of #stilllife. We should know better by now! You always manage to surpass our expectations. Thank you to everybody that shared with us on Twitter and Instagram       Next week Due to holidays we're not having a #fridayfavourites next week […]
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  4. ILFORD XP2 Super in black and white chemistry

    An experiment in chemical possibilities When I took up a camera after a few years’ hiatus in 1990, I was surprised to discover that I could no longer get a black & white film developed through the nearest camera shop, never mind through the local pharmacy.  If memory serves, I was told it would cost $40 for […]
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  5. Friday Favourites 23rd March #slowfilm

    We asked you to slow down this week and share any shots on #ilfordphoto film rated at ISO 100 or below. These are a few that caught our eye       Next Week We're trying a new theme next week that we haven't tried before and are really excited to see what you share […]
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  6. Friday Favourites 16th March #greenfilm

    A little bit of fun this week and a nod to St Patrick's day tomorrow with #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #greenfilm. You shared an amazing selection of images, and these are just a few of our favourites         Next week We're taking it easy next week and looking for your #slow shots, so anything […]
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