
  1. Street Photography at Night

    Lifelong love of black and white Growing up in the late fifties and sixties, one of my favourite movies was The Day the Earth Stood Still, a lot of which was shot at night in black and white. That early exposure to film noir inspired a lifelong love of black and white photography, especially at […]
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  2. Friday Favourites 10th March 2017

    Nearly spring As we head towards spring we’re starting to see more outdoor shots as you brave the weather. Here are a few of our favourites from the last week @mrkurtin Elijah | Speed Graphic w/Petzval lens | Ilford Fp4 | Town Park | March 2017 @JoFarrellPhoto Woman with bound feet #china Shot on #HP5 @shoot_analog One of my most […]
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  3. Friday Favourites 3rd March 2017

    Spoilt for choice We love weeks like this one, where we’re spoilt for choice with loads of great images to choose from for #ilfordfridayfavourites You can share your images with us on Twitter / Instagram and Facebook. 
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  4. Friday Favourites #JustAdd

    #JustAdd As we have launched a competition to run alongside our latest campaign #JustAdd this week, we thought we’d share a few of the entries that we’ve seen so far.     Taking part is simple: Between now and March 31st 2017 share your images on our social media pages (@ilfordphoto Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) using #JustAdd as well as the […]
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  5. Nothing to lose, everything to gain

    Starting Out As a relative newbie there is a lot I still don’t know or understand the history of photographic film types and the various process do’s & don’ts.  I’m OK with this and let me tell you why. There are countless books, articles and resources to help me learn as well as a very […]
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  6. Pinhole Photography

    I always loved celluloid pictures. Maybe I was drawn in as a baby, while the 8mm camera whirred (and the handheld light blinded). Maybe it was being so thankful to my big brother for lending me a 35mm rangefinder and showing me how to use it at age 10. Might have been the Minolta-16 he gave […]
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