
  1. Friday Favourites 6th October 2023

    We find great pleasure in #themefree weeks such as this, during which we refrain from assigning a specific theme for our #ilfordphoto Friday Favourites 6th October 2023. Instead, we invited you to share any image created using our products.       @sylvanafterdark. Newcastle streets ? Minolta x570 ? Kentmere 400 -> 800 ⚗️ Home […]

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  2. In Focus - Samanta Ortega

    Our 72nd In Focus interview is with Brazilian lab technician and teacher Samanta Ortega. Samanta focuses on empowering and fueling the resurgence of film photography in Brazil from the inside out. SECTION 1 – BACKGROUND SHARE YOUR FAVORITE IMAGE/PRINT SHOT ON ILFORD FILM AND TELL US WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU. There is so much […]

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  3. Friday Favourites #hp5notat400

    We are grateful for the amount of incredible #hp5notat400 images you’ve shared with us for this week’s edition of #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites. The task of selecting our favourites was nothing short of a delightful challenge, and we invite you to join us in celebrating the talented individuals whose work has made it this week.     […]

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  4. A Winter in Greece, 1970

    1969 After too short a visit to Athens’s Parthenon in 1964, I vowed to return soon. By 1969 I was standing on the deck of a wave tossed Yugoslavian freighter with my back to New York City. Watching the grey, stormy, November Atlantic from the quiet of the Navigation Bridge was a peaceful retreat. Our […]

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  5. Friday Favourites #printedinthedark

    #printedinthedark was the perfect theme for all our darkroom enthusiasts for this week’s #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites. You are all extremely talented and, we can see the passion in your prints. Take a look at a few of our favourites this week:   @sbills15. Prints from last Sunday’s Darkroom session. Printed on ILFORD’s MGFB Classic 11×14 paper […]

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  6. The Trichrome Process

     A History on the Road In May of 2023, I loaded up the car and I headed off to the North Cascades. The freeway had just reopened after a long, icy winter. I was desperate to break out of my work routine and follow my creative pursuits. Growing up in the American Southwest I spent […]

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