
  1. Ortho and Oil paint

    Why Film? Since 2016 I’ve messed around with film casually alongside digital. Early 2020, COVID-19 forced me to return a year early from a mission trip in Colombia and completely restart my life from zero. I couldn’t afford a digital camera like the one I sold to go on the trip but, my good experiences […]

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  2. Into the ether

    365 Days A year is a period of time. It is 365 days. There have been many renditions of the calendar throughout human history, but it wasn’t until 1582, when Pope Gregory pointed out a flaw in Julius Caesar’s calendar, when we would receive our current amalgamation of determining time, the Gregorian calendar. Pope Gregory […]

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    An Unexpected Love My love for Iceland was born unexpectedly, I absolutely didn’t see it coming and it washed over me like a tidal wave in a monsoon.  We were planning a holiday of a lifetime. Somewhere with beautiful scenery to photograph, that was the only stipulation. It was more of an exploring holiday rather […]

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  4. Positive Futures

    A bit of history I am now 51 years old and have been faithfully using ILFORD film since first being handed an ILFORD Sport 120 roll film camera from my father. He had used it during National Service in the army in the 1950s and I used it from age 8 onwards and which is […]

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  5. Isle of Dogs

    A slice of London Isle of Dogs is the name of my second self published zine under Ducksale Press, a zine publishing project my friend James Moreton and I started a couple years ago. Isle of Dogs is also a slice of London: overdeveloped, underfunded, home to locals who were born on the island (“islanders”) […]

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  6. Jumping back in at the (very) deep end

    A chronic case of GAS To cut a long story short. In a previous life, i.e. before kids, I suffered a chronic case of GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) and ended up as the proud owner of a Richard Ritter 7×17” Ultra Large Format View Camera. As every GAS sufferer believes, buying your way out of […]

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Items 109 to 114 of 180 total
