
  1. Queering Rural Spaces

    How It Began Queering Rural Spaces began as I was personally starting to think about where my wife and I would settle down to start our family. A part of me missed living on a farm. However, I wasn’t sure I would feel safe being in an openly gay relationship in a rural area. So […]

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  2. No Place Like Home

    Countless Day’s Of Shooting It was more than 2 years ago, that I had the initial idea for this project. Now, after countless days of shooting film, often while on the water, and hours spent edition and choosing images ‘No Place Like Home’ is a book I can be proud of. Committing Entirely To The […]

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  3. The Folk Music Portrait Project

    Portrayal Of Musicians I’m not sure which came first, my love of photography or my love of music. Growing up in the Boston area, I was fortunate to be immersed in both. Whether it be standing in awe at the beauty of Alfred Steiglitz’s work on display at Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts or being […]

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  4. Sport

    “Wait, are you shooting film?” That’s the usual question I get at an event I shoot. I started shooting sports at the same time that I even started taking photos at all. My plan was to be a documentary filmmaker, travel the world with a backpack and sleep on random couches and see how far […]

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  5. Shooting Sprockets

    Shooting 35mm film Sprockets with Kentmere 400 and a medium format TLR Including sprockets in scans is nothing new but has increased in popularity recently. While the inclusion of sprockets showing the film name looks great, as the photographic emulsion covers the full 35mm width of the film in your cassette, it is actually possible […]

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  6. Shooting Skateboarding on Kentmere 400

    The year 2000 The first time I photographed skateboarding was in the year 2000, following around a boy I liked with a disposable camera. My equipment and film stocks have gotten better over the last two decades, and my girlhood crush has been replaced by a deep passion for capturing the unique poses of skateboarders […]

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Items 61 to 66 of 188 total
