Friday Favourites 28th July 2017 #Alternateprocess Posted On 28th July 2017 To Magazine, Pinhole, Alternate, Friday Favourites & Photography Genres

Happy Friday everyone!
Last week we set the theme #alternateprocess for #ilfordfridayfavourites and we've seen such variety of images.
Sun prints, tin types, cyanotypes, wet plate, pinhole, palladium, hand coloured, tones in a variety of liquids, we've had them all.
Here are our favourites five

@mparry1234 - MULTIGRADE paper with leaves and an hour of sunlight. #ilfordfridayfavourites #alternateprocess

@corrine_perry 'Melancholia #1' Hand Coloured Darkroom Photograph #alternateprocess #ilfordfridayfavourites @ILFORDPhoto

@AlanChalkey1 Cley Mill, FP4+ 35mm original, scanned A4 neg made, contact printed using cyanotype method and then toned in tea. #ilfordfridayfavourites

@David Patris Pinhole photography.Reality so subtle 6x17 curved plane. Delta 100 Louvain-la-Plage, Belgium#ilfordfridayfavourites #alternateprocess

@theFeeloffilm Dorothy & Dark Panther. Platinum Palladium Print #alternateprocess #ilfordfridayfavourites
Next Week
Our theme for next week is #JustAddJoy and one of our favourites will also go on a banner on the website as well as featuring in the magazine. (There may even be a few films given away for this one!)
Don't forget
You can share next weeks #justaddjoy images on the website gallery too! You just need to register to be able to upload. (By registering you'll also be the first to hear about any new products and initiatives)
We love seeing your images, so even if they're not chosen please continue to share with us on Instagram / Twitter and Facebook