HP5+ vs DELTA Professional 400 Posted On 30th April 2018 To Learning Zone, Beginner Series & Film

We're often asked what the differences are between our PLUS films and our DELTA Professional range and have given a brief reply in our post about Choosing your first ILFORD film.
If you're interested in a more detailed explanation, the read on...
- Uses our more traditional emulsion making methods.
- HP5+ has evolved over many years to become an extremely flexible and robust film.
- Has extremely good exposure latitude and is very tolerant of under/over exposure.
- Images have a excellent sharpness and with a traditional look and feel.
- Flexible choice of developers, robust to over/under development.
- Good push characteristics EI 400 - 3200
- More contemporary emulsion design.
- Uses ILFORD Photo proprietary controlled Core-Shell™ crystal growth technology. (Not the same as Kodak T-Grain)
- Core shell crystals have carefully tailored sensitometric properties to ensure maximum details captured in highlight and shadows.
- More uniform grain structure with finer grain compared to HP5. Grain size is closer to medium speed film like FP4+
- Images have exceptional sharpness and a "cleaner" look.
- Choice of developer is more important and processing needs to be more precise than HP5+
- Longer fixing times than HP5+
- Correct exposure more important than HP5+ (Less latitude for exposure errors and processing accuracy)
- Good Push/Pull characteristics EI 200 - 3200
- Negatives are easy to print. When exposed and processed correctly, negatives have good tonal range and are slightly easier to print than conventional films.