Friday Favourites #summer Posted On 22nd June 2018 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

We knew there'd be some great shots with this week's #fridayfavourites #summer on black & white film.
It was really interesting seeing what #summer means to you and how this varied in different locations. These are our #fridayfavourites from this week.

adibmufty Campfire.. ?: Leica M6 ?: Ilford FP4

@scottsphoto1218 #fridayfavourites #summer Snow has finally started to melt off the high country which means more hiking trails are available, the rivers are great for rafting and kayaking... Fishing is fantastic in rivers and lakes... perfect time for families to get out

@Givemeabiscuit Daughter and the Mutt. @ILFORDPhoto HP5. Fuji GA645. #BelieveinFilm #fridayfavourites #summer

@BlkWhiteFilmPix Brasserie de l'Île St-Louis, Paris #summer 2007, #ilfordphoto Delta 3200 film #fridayfavourites
As usual a huge thank you to everybody who shared their shots with us this week and to everyone who follows us on Twitter / Instagram / Facebook or YouTube
Next Week
We've looking for your #work themed images for next week's #fridayfavourites. This could be your work or somebody else at work.
Share with us using #ilfordphoto #work #fridayfavourites