Friday Favourites #natureonilford Posted On 7th June 2024 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

Thank you for such beautiful entries for this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites theme which was #natureonilford.

@Kirigir77434381 #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #natureonilford. Speedgraphic, Ross xpress 6 1/2inch F4.5, F5.6, 1/30sec, Ilford FP4+, Tokyo pyro, TPfix, Kodak mobile film scanner.

@PlantingCabbag1. A particularly overgrown corner of the Botanic Gardens, Kolkata. Orthochromatic film makes greenery look even more magical and mysterious… #ilfordphoto Ortho 80 developed in ID-11 Leica M3, Summicron 50mm f2 #fridayfavourites #natureonilford I'm @midtonegrey on Instagram 👋

@pjmeade. This winter scene was shot on Delta 400. Not surprisingly, I didn’t use a filter. EOS1v+70-200/2.8 #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #natureonilford.

@tomperry. Squirrel in the Tarn. Shot on FP4+ rated at 200, developed in a Bellini monobath. #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #natureonilford.

@MikoPoloczanski. Winter birch forest. Żelechlin neighbourhood. #ilfordphoto #Hasselbladxpan #xpan #35mmphotography #fridayfavourites #polskapanoramiczna #natureonilford #panophotos #ilfordfp4.
NEXT WEEK - #themefree
Our theme for next week is #themefree. Make sure you tell us which of our ILFORD or KENTMERE products you used to create you image.