Friday Favourites #love Posted On 18th May 2018 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

We love a wedding, especially a Royal one. And we've loved seeing which #love themed images that you've shared with us this week.

@TheFeelofFilm BFF on #ilfordphoto #hp5 for #fridayfavourites #loveiillford

@stefiakti Thought I'd share this for @ILFORDPhoto #fridayfavourites , shot at my cousin's wedding last September on HP5+ with my Minolta XD7 #iloveilford #ilfordphoto
- @DBloomsday One more loved-themes photo from my splitter street photography series. (shot on HP5+ at EI 1600) #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #loveilford #believeinfilm
- @DBloomsday Here’s another love-themed #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites from my sister’s wedding a year ago (shot on HP5+) #loveilford #believeinfilm

@saucony2012 Skipping lane at Chester Zoo #playtime #skipping #chesterzoo #kidsofinstagram #instagram #ilfordfp4 #ishootfilm #filmsnotdead #filmphotography #ilfordphoto #loveilford #fridayfavourites
Next week
A short week for us next week, so please get your images in as soon as possible either on Twitter / Instagram / Facebook or via the Galleries on our website.
We want to know how you use our products differently so we're looking for anything #alternateprocess from pinhole, to hand-colouring, luminograms, to home made devs. Share with us using #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #alternateprocess