Friday Favourites #ffpinhole Posted On 30th April 2021 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

As last Sunday was World Pinhole Photography Day we thought is only fitting that this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites theme honored this with #ffpinhole.
Over 100 images were shared with us this week and we've had a great time this morning choosing our favourites.

@billthoo Terrapin Kaiju Pinhole exposure April 2021 #fp4 #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #ffpinhole @ILFORDPhoto #ilovesydney #shootfilmbenice #believeinfilm #filmphotography

@paulasmithphoto My favourite pinhole shot for #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #ffpinhole. Taken with the #Ondupinhole MF 6x9, on @ilfordphoto FP4+ EI 125 developed Ilfotec HC 1+31.
- @willgudgeon Paddle boarding with my dog Zero Image 4x5IIlford Delta 100
- @willgudgeon Ready to launchSkate rampZero Image 4×5 pinhole cameraIlford Delta 100

@DhutchPhoto #ffpinhole #fridayfavourites ZeroImage 2000 @ILFORDPhoto #Xp2Super Richmond Park pond.

@apkeedle My go at this weeks #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #ffpinhole theme. Cyanotype print of a 4x5 pinhole negative made using my favourite film stock: FP4Plus...

@DrMarsRover Beach access RSS 6x6 #pinhole @ILFORDPhoto Ortho+ #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #ffpinhole #shootfilmbenice #believeinfilm
NEXT WEEK #alternatedev
Developed your film in in coffee or beer? Toned your prints with tea? Share your shots not developed in standard black and white chemicals or in the recommended way for this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #alternatedev theme.
Our next few themes.
#funonfilm - Shots of people having fun / fun places or shots and prints that were fun to make.
#filmbokeh - I think it's fairly obvious what we're looking for this week!
#heightonfilm - Shot from a height or an object / person that depicts height for this week.