Friday Favourites #FBPrint Posted On 18th September 2020 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

When you hold a hand printed FB darkroom print there is something special about it. It has been so amazing to see how many of you are making FB prints in your darkooms today. It was hard to choose just 5 images for this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #fbprint theme but we got there in the end. (Nearly)!

@Virgil_Roger @ILFORDPhoto makes the nicest paper, it was my go-to choice for my first ever hand printed solo show a while back. Let's throwback for the #fridayfavourites! Collages, a composite #fbprint on #ilford classic FB matte paper. #believeinfilm #believeinprint #believeincontrast

@BlkWhiteFilmPix The tonal range of a traditional silver print made with @ILFORDPhoto Fiber-Based photographic darkroom paper is unmatched. Here, an 11 x 14 FB print of my beloved #Paris in the print washer. #fridayfavourites #fbprint #Ilfordphoto
@matthewsugars @ILFORDPhoto Printed on Ilford Multigrade Classic FB. #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #fbprint

@monodave #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites Here's a 24x20 inch #fbprint in the fixer dish in my darkroom. The print was used on the ILFORD stand at Photokina 2014 in Cologne and was printed on the new Ilford Multigrade Cooltone FB glossy paper. Wolf Creek Colorado

@Trend2signif For this #fbprint #fridayfavourites for #ilford photo I present a fibre print of a well known spot in Paris! Here it is drying.
We often neglect to find the beauty in things that we see every day. This week we're looking for images of those people / places / objects / building that are part of your daily life but often pass unnoticed. Share with us using #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #overlooked for your chance to feature.
An idea of what other themes you can expect from us in the coming weeks #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites.
25th Sept - 2nd Oct #ddxdev. We don't often spotlight our developers, but they do an important job and can help to bring out the best in your negatives. This week we're looking for shots developed in DD-X.
03rd Oct - 09th Oct #splitgradeprint. We're sending you back into the darkroom to share any of your prints that you have made using a split grade method.
10th Oct - 16th Oct #Autumn on film. Depending on where you are in the world, Autumn (or Fall) can mean very different things. Share your images that encapsulate this time for you. #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #autumnonfilm
Thank you to everyone who shares images with us each week, not just for this feature but on our social streams too. You can follow us on Instagram / Twitter / Facebook and Youtube.