Friday Favourites #beautifulconcrete Posted On 12th January 2024 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

This week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #beautifulconcrete theme helped you showcase and appreciate the aesthetic qualities of concrete structures and designs.

@MikoPoloczanski. Construction of the MA-91 bridge. Vistula river. 3 x Hasselblad xpan II +45/4; ILFORD xp2 super; #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #beautifulconcrete #A1project #hasselbladxpan #polskapanoramiczna #skanska

@philwalker56. Hello @ILFORDPhoto #ilfordphoto #fridayfavorites #beautifulconcrete. FP4+ 120 film, 645 camera. Printed on 10x8 MG RC V, pearl coated. Phone snap of darkroom silver halide.

@davejsherwood. Here's my entry for this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites. I can't think of #beautifulconcrete without thinking of the Tate Modern. This image was shot on 35mm #delta3200.

@timdobbsphoto. "Concreate Post" .. Mamiya RB67, 65mm f4.5 on ilford Ortho #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #believeinfilm.
Our theme for next week is #ilfordphotowalk. - Share your favourite ILFORD images with us, whether captured during meetups or while enjoying solitary walks.