Friday Favourites #ilfordpanf Posted On 26th July 2019 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

Wow! What a huge selection of images for this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #ilfordpanf theme. We've had a great time this morning going though them all and discussing (arguing?) over our favourites.

@DrMarsRover Gasworks Park, final print @ILFORDPhoto PanF+ | @realitysosubtle 6x6 pinhole | MG Fiber #darkroomprint #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #ilfordpanf

@henrikemtkj Konica Hexar AF with #ilfordpanf #fridayfavourites #ilfordphoto

fearnphoto Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof, July 2019. 16 second exposure with #zeroimage2000 #pinhole camera. #Ilfordphoto PAN F PLUS 50 #ilfordfilm #ilfordpanf #zeroimage #pinholecamera #pinholephotography #lensless #believeinfilm #blackandwhitephotography #mediumformat #6x6film
#fridayfavourites #welovefrankfurt #frankfurt

@iamtheregulator Uncles @ILFORDPhoto #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #ilfordpanf #leicaM3 #canon50ltm

@GregoryWBrown #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #ilfordpanf shot on Yashica MAT #landscape
Next week
There is so much detail in a 120 negative and in the darkroom they can be be printed big without any loss of quality. So for next week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites them we're asking you to share your #mediumformat shots. Don't forget to use the #s and tell us which film you used.