Friday Favourites #happy Posted On 8th June 2018 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

The sun is shining and they days are getting longer which means better light and more time to shoot film. What better reason could we have for feeling #happy
These are our favourites from the shots that you shared with us this week.

@AlfathMSanjani Seeing the results of this shot make me #happy Nikon F3 - Ilford Delta 400 rated 1600 - Developed by myself #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites

@adiw1202 This seemingly innocent goat makes me #happy. Ilford Delta 400. #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites

@Platoesq This shot makes me #happy because it turned out really well. Was my first roll ever of b&w film I’ve shot. #XP2Super Also, it invokes a memory of an old TV show, Emergency! #ilfordphoto #believeinfilm #ishootfilm #filmisnotdead

@scottsphoto1218 #happy #fridayfavourites #ilfordphoto Logan County Courthouse, Sterling Co. FP4 4x5
Next week
A tough one next week, we're looking for you #sport shots. It can be any sport at any level. Please share with us using #ilfordphoto #sport #fridayfavourites
You can share on Instagram / Twitter / Facebook or on our online gallery (or all them if you like!)