Friday Favourites #filmselfie Posted On 25th October 2019 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

We were really looking forward to seeing some of the faces behind the people that we chat to on social media with this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites theme of #filmselfie. It seems that you are a camera shy lot though and not as many as normal were happy to share:) Thank you to everyone that did, you can see out favourites below.

analogue_reverend Round Things No. 5. Canon A-1; Ilford HP5 @ 1600; DDX. #canona1 #ilfordhp5 #ilfordphoto #bwphotography #analoguephotography #filmphotography #35mm #circle #round #grainisgood #keep35alive #staybrokeshootfilm #filmisnotdead #ishootfilm #buyfilmnotmegapixels #homedeveloped #fridayfavourites #filmselfie #selfieonfilm

@GraemeCrompton- Getting my submission in early! Taken using Olympus Trip 35 from 1969... BTW - if you have any jobs going, would love to know more! ?
#ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #filmselfie

@Hier_komt_Alex here's the only #filmselfie I can find. It's from 2014, shot with my trusty #RolleiB35 on #XP2
#ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites

@pjdejesus "Looking Down on Myself" Canon FTb, Canon FD 50mm F/1.8, @ILFORDPhoto HP5 (shot at ISO 1600) #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #filmselfie.
- @analogfilmphoto · 18h Bar bathroom film selfie, low volume developer-fixer accident… Hasselblad 2003fcw / Ilford HP5 #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #filmselfie
- @dmbloor Ilford Photo want to see me? #fridayfavourites #ilfordphoto #filmselfie #hp5 #hp5plus @ILFORDPhoto Yashica FX-D with Carl Zeiss Planar T* 50mm- HP5 Plus dev’d in #ID11 stock.
- @DrMarsRover Ordinary day RSS 6×6 #pinhole + @ILFORDPhoto Delta 100 #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #filmselfie
Next week
We're giving you 2 weeks to share your shots with us for our next #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites. There's no theme we just want to see your shots on our film. Share with us using #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites