Friday Favourites #ddxdev Posted On 2nd October 2020 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

We don't often spotlight our developers, but they do an important job and can help to bring out the best in your negatives. This week for #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #ddxdev we asked you to share your shots developed in ILFORD ILFOTEC DD-X.

@Peterfilmphoto Dig It #ilfordphoto #ddxdev #fridayfavourites #leicaM4

@leder_film my all time favorite strip of film Ilford delta pro 100 processed w/ @ILFORDPhoto ddx developer #ddxdev

@n88djw SINGAPORE: The Silver Hour In colour it's the blue hour, in monochrome surely it's the silver hour? Olympus OM-2n | Zuiko 2/28 | Ilford Delta 100 | Ilford DD-X @ILFORDPhoto #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #ddxdev

@streetpreacher i really need to start developing film at home again CameraSmiling face
#ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #ddxdev #photography

@leder_film Heres a few images I took last week on your 35mm Pan F developed in ddx
Thank you to everyone who shares images with us each week, not just for this feature but on our social streams too. You can follow us on Instagram / Twitter / Facebook and Youtube.
NEXT WEEK #splitgradeprint
We're sending you back into the darkroom next week (or your archives), to share any of your prints that you have made using a split grade method.
Coming Soon
Some of the themes that we'll be setting in the next few weeks #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites.
10th Oct - 16th Oct. #Autumn on film. Depending on where you are in the world, Autumn (or Fall) can mean very different things. Share your images that encapsulate this time for you. #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #autumnonfilm
17th Oct - 23rd Oct. #lightonfilm The main 'ingredient' of photography is light, Share shots that show it off. Reflections, sunbursts, streetlights and signs.
24th Oct - 31st Oct #scaryfilm (And we don't mean Kodak!) We couldn't resist this theme for this week. Share your spooky or creepy atmospheric shots with us.