
Friday Favourites 8th December 2023 Posted On 8th December 2023 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

Friday Favourites 8th December 2023

This weeks #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites theme was #themefree. Take a look at the themes you chose to submit this week.


Friday Favourites - #themefree

@petrgo. #clouds #road #twins #bohemia #bnwmagic #ilfordphoto #ilfordhp5 #fridayfavourites #themefree #mediumformat #silvergelatin #shootfilm #6x6 #filmcamera #magicflexcamera #rolleiflex #rollei #analogue #blackandwhite #monochrome #darkroom #silverhalides #noiretblanc #analoguevibes #bnw #homedeveloped #bnwminimalismmag #monoart.


Friday Favourites - #themefree

@krzyphotography. Bentley S2, captured on Ilford Delta 100 in 4x5 film format. Scanned on Imacon Flextight scanner. #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #themefree #shootfilm #blackandwhitephotography #bnwphotography. Darkroom prints on Ilford paper via DM.


@PhlStrchn. Two photographs from a short frosty walk last Sunday for this week's #ilfordphoto #themefree #fridayfavourites Film: Ilford HP5+ (120) Camera: Mamiya C220.
Friday Favourites - #themefree

@nemo_fishy. Here’s my #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #themefree image. Dependable Kentmere 400 pushed a stop for extra-chunky grain.


Friday Favourites - #themefree

@PhilBixby. Just to show how versatile #ilfordphoto Delta Pro 3200 can be, here's some fireworks in the woods (wild garlic really) shot on Nikon FA, and rated at 1600 for the #themefree #fridayfavourites.


Friday Favourites - #themefree

@simon_diamond. Moon creek. Nikon F3P Nikkor 85mm F1.4. Ortho Plus 80. #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #themefree #believeinfilm.


Our theme for next week is #cosyonfilm. - Cosy season is upon us, share your warmest, cosiest shots with us.


You can expect to see these themes coming over over the next month so get your thinking caps on!
#grainyxmas. - Let us see your most festive, grainiest shots with us.
#newyearonfilm. - Show us your best images shot over new year with your new film.