Friday Favourites

  1. Friday Favourites #ilfordpanf

    Wow! What a huge selection of images for this week’s #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #ilfordpanf theme. We’ve had a great time this morning going though them all and discussing (arguing?) over our favourites.       Next week There is so much detail in a 120 negative and in the darkroom they can be be printed big […]

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  2. Friday Favourites #favouritefilm

    A double set of images for us to go through this week as we ran this #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites theme of #favouritefilm for an extra week. We love it when their are a variety of images to choose from, it’s always exciting to see what people are shooting with our products.         Next […]

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  3. Friday Favourites #happyfilm

    We all enjoy shooting film and know that this makes us happy, (most of the time anyway)! For this week’s #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #happyfilm theme we asked you to share images of other things that make you happy         Next week  We’ll be sharing something exciting with you next week. (If you aren’t […]

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  4. Friday Favourites #Deltafilms

    Our DELTA PROFESSIONAL films use the latest film emulsion technology which gives them the advantage of a lower grain to speed ratio. Which means that you get less grain at the equivalent speed when compared to PLUS films giving a slightly cleaner, sharper look. For this week’s #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites we asked you to share your […]

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  5. Friday Favourites #Music

    We’re heading into festival season and although wellies are the the ‘go to’ festival wear here in the UK, we know that some of your summers actually feature sunshine! For this week’s #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites we set the theme of #music.         Next week There is a film for all occasions on our […]

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  6. Friday Favourites #texture

    I was really looking forward to going through the images shared for this week’s #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #texture theme . I love how black and white film can enhance the texture in certain shots and personally really enjoy shooting this type of image.       Next week We’re heading into festival season and although wellies […]

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