Search results for: 'kentmere'


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  • A tough theme for today's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites with #fiercefilm. There were so many great interpretations, these are our favourites. Don't forget you can share on Twitter / Instagram or in our online gallery. (Or all three!) As long as your use the #'s we will see your shots. @CMFleming70 This is Robyn, Robyn runs the estate... you don’t mess with Robyn. @ILFORDPhoto #fiercefilm #fridayfavourites   @henry_balen Fierce opposition. HP5+ EI800/Microphen #ilfordphoto #fridayfavour...
  • An Unexpected Love My love for Iceland was born unexpectedly, I absolutely didn’t see it coming and it washed over me like a tidal wave in a monsoon.  We were planning a holiday of a lifetime. Somewhere with beautiful scenery to photograph, that was the only stipulation. It was more of an exploring holiday rather than the usual beach holiday we were used to. Countries were thrown in the ring, I really wanted to go to Sweden and my husband threw in Iceland. It’s like I didn’t even know it existed ...
  • One of the things that we're regularly told by the film and darkroom community is how you love hearing about the human side of our business. In this series of 'Behind the Film' interviews we're going to help you to find out a little more about the faces behind the film. Introduction Who are you? What’s your job title HARMAN technology and how long have you worked here? My name is James Cooper, and I am employed as a Scientist Grade 2 in the TQM/R&D department at HARMAN Technology. I Joined in Nove...
  • A chance for those of you who prefer non-traditional methods of film development to share your images for this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #alternatedev theme. @DavidNee6 #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #alternatedev - "Gunner and Cade" on #fp4 developed in Caffenol CM. #pourthecoffeeandCwhatdevelops   @dmbloor Taken, developed and scanned yesterday for @ILFORDPhoto #fridayfavourites Camera #lomography Supersampler Film frames #ilfordphoto Harman Kentmere 100 at 800 ISO Alembic 2 h...
  • When the streets become unbearable I’m not so good with words, but that’s probably why I love photography. I can let the photos I make speak for themselves. The death of George Floyd, back in May of last year, hit me hard. So much so that I went out a did what I usually do when stress becomes unbearable, I make pictures. I grabbed my Nikon F and Nikon FE, grabbed some HP5 and FP4, and headed out to clear my mind, and see what I could create. While stopping at some familiar spots in downtown Colu...
  • We're letting you back behind the film again to meet some of the passionate people who are part of making the products that you love. This time we talk to Becky and she shares some of her film photography with us. INTRODUCTION Who are you? What’s your job title HARMAN technology and how long have you worked here? I’m Becky, an Apprentice Scientist and I’ve worked here for 2.5 years. Tell us a little about your day-to-day role.  I work in the lab prepping formulations, carrying out raw material r...
  • The first roll It is January 31st, 2020. I’ve arrived in London to document the events surrounding the UK leaving the EU. Many groups were converging on Parliament Square for this historic day. My usual workflow was interrupted when fellow documentary photographer Simon King called me aside and handed me a Nikon FG, 55mm f/3.5, and a roll of Kentmere 400. This was the first roll of film I’d exposed in my life. Unaccustomed to the mechanical redundancies and psychological immediacy that film offers, ...
  • Taking Risks Through a series of what felt like small and inconsequential life choices I have found myself recently in positions where the logical course of action involved putting my health and even my life at risk, in service of making photographs. I, like many others I'm sure, want to be a great photographer. To me this means that I look with a respectful eye over my own body of work, and accept it for what it is: (hopefully) the absolute best I can accomplish. A retrospective This is something I r...
  • We asked you to step outside of your comfort zone this week and get in front of the camera for once for our #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #meonfilm theme.  You are certainly a creative bunch! We've never seen so many photos of people that don't really show them:) The ones we've chosen are the ones that show you clearest! hannibal.bass ? Minolta Hi-Matic E?️ Kentmere 400 ? Hc-110 #ilfordphoto #kentmere400 #minoltahimatic #35mmfilm #fridayfavourites #meonfilm @lucindaklewis Self portraits with @I...
  • In week three of our behind the film series we're heading to our technical department to meet our Technical Service Manager Neil Hibbs. Who are you? What’s your job title HARMAN technology and how long have you worked here? Neil Hibbs – Technical and Lab Services manager Tell us a little about your day to day role. I manage a small team offering technical product support, both internally (to manufacturing and marketing functions) and externally to our worldwide customer base. I also set-up the Ha...

Items 41 to 50 of 151 total

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