Search results for: 'kentmere'


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  • Made at our factory here in Mobberley, our Kentmere films are often a more economical option than our ILFORD film range and are great for those starting out in film as well as photographers wanting to experiment with different film stocks. You shared a huge variety of shots for this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #kentmerefilm theme. @CamShaw74 #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #kentmerefilm Austin Healey Sprite, taken at Event City in Manchester. Kentmere 400 pushed to 800 and developed in ILFORD D...
  • A popular technique for getting the best from your prints in the darkroom. This week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites theme was #splitgradeprint. @BlkWhiteFilmPix How did I split grade print this night photo I made on #ilfordphoto Delta 3200 film ? #fridayfavourites #splitgradeprint #Paris   @JamesPearson #splitgradeprint from a tricky to print negative. Grade 00 for 38s and grade 1 for 11s. Then two minutes burning of the window (that was hard work). @ILFORDPho...
  • Once it hits October the days get cooler and the trees start to drop their leaves here in the UK. We know this is different around the world so for this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites we asked you to share shots that show #autumnonfilm where you are. kirkendall_spring Mount Stuart with larch trees, Alpine Lakes Wilderness, Mount Baker Snoqualmie National Forest. 4x5 Ilford FP4+ Film #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #autumnonfilm #ilfordfp4 #ilfordfilm #blackandwhitephotography #balckandwhitephoto #...
  • This week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites theme of #lightonfilm had you sharing a huge range of shots. Here are some of our favourites. analog_photo_pag Shadow Portrait. Shot on Ilford Delta 100, using a Leica M3. @ilfordphoto #lightonfilm #shadow #silouette #shadowphotography #shotonfilm #shotonilford #ilforddelta100 #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites   bnw_photopuzzles Sunny Saturday 2018 Hasselblad Xpan Ilford HP5 plus. #ilfordphoto #fridayfavorites #lightonfilm #ilfordhp5 #selfdeveloped ...
  • We thought that this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #shallowdof was a tough theme, but you proved us wrong by sharing bucketloads of beautiful images with us. Thank you to everybody that shared, I just wish we could choose them all. @oliverdegante @ILFORDPhoto #shallowdof #fridayfavourites #ilfordphoto #hp5 #believeinfilm   @chrislanaway Wide open with my @Intrepidcamera and @ILFORDPhoto HP5 #shallowdof #ilfordhp5 #fridayfavourites   @panchromaholic Lovely Kentmere PAN1...
  • Toby Van de Velde takes centre stage this week as the 29th interview in our In Focus series. He was nominated by John Whitmore back in September who described him as 'Constantly producing wonderful analogue images.' Section 1 - Background Share your favourite image / print shot on ILFORD film and tell us what it means to you? This is a tricky one to answer. Narrowing it down is nigh on impossible. This is a recent favourite from a couple of months ago, shot on Kentmere Pan 400, shot in my Billora Bell...
  • As we come to the end of January, a month known to feel exceptionally long, we wanted to share some positive feelings so asked you to show us your #positivenegatives for this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites. @debrawilsonsays Things that make me smile- snow on hawthorn trees. First darkroom print. Shot for @ILFORDPhoto #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #positivenegative Now it's back into the darkroom for another go!   @sarahg.photog   One lonely weed and me in the darkroom  #photogr...
  • We love spending time in the darkroom, and it's always surprising how quickly time can pass when there are no other distractions. For today's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites we asked you to share your results from this time well spent for our theme #printedwithpassion. @justgipsy #ilfordphoto #printedwithpassion #fridayfavourites Darkroom prints #Delta100 rated @ 50, selenium toned, part of a sunflower series   ©Chris Hudson  #printedwithpassion This was shot on a digital camera and then Li...
  • Love is in the air this week, with Valentine's day just around the corner. For today's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites we wanted you to share images of the things that you love using #lovethem. steve_jacksun Love, Hasselblad 501cm, 80mm CB, Ilford Pan F + 50, Ilford Perceptol ,July 2014 #lovethem #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #hasselblad #hasselblad501cm #goldmoony #group6x6 #silvervisionfilm #inspiredwithhasselblad #ilfordfilm #ilfordpanf50   ©Chris Hudson  #lovethemDeveloper ID-11, 35mm ...
  • A tough thee for today's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites with #fiercefilm. There were so many great interpretations, there are our favourites. Don't forget you can share on Twitter / Instagram or in our online gallery. (Or all three!) As long as your use the #'s we will see your shots. @CMFleming70 This is Robyn, Robyn runs the estate... you don’t mess with Robyn. @ILFORDPhoto #fiercefilm #fridayfavourites   @henry_balen Fierce opposition. HP5+ EI800/Microphen #ilfordphoto #fridayfavouri...

Items 31 to 40 of 151 total

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